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Kolorex Derma Care Foot & Toe Cream 25g


Whether you’re an athlete or a swimmer, at times, we all struggle with those damp, moist bits between the toes and on our feet. Kolorex Foot and Toe Cream is designed to calm, soothe and restore the skin so that it looks and feels healthy again.

SKU: KODCFTC Category:


Kolorex® Foot & Toe Cream – whether you’re an athlete or a swimmer, at times, we all struggle with those damp, moist bits between the toes and on our feet. Kolorex Foot and Toe Cream will help you care for – and love – those tickly toes.


Designed to calm, soothe and restore the skin so that it looks and feels healthy again and formulated with the combined powers of herbal Horopito, Aloe Vera, Tea Tree Oil and Vitamin E – you’ll find peace from life’s little irritations.





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