
The Baobab tree is one of the most iconic native trees of the African continent. Often called the “Tree of Life” for its variety of uses, this magnificent tree has long been a pillar of African existence.

The Baobab tree is extremely long lived, growing for hundreds of years, providing Africans with welcomed shelter from the blazing African sun. All parts of the tree have been traditionally used as a source of nutritious food, clothing and rope fibre and medicine for varied ailments.

The elliptical shaped fruit dangles from the tree in a hard, woody shell covered in velvety hairs and contains a pulp embedding numerous seeds. It is from these seeds, once separated from the pulp, that the oil is cold pressed.

Rich in essential fatty acids provitamin A and Vitamins D, E & F, Baobab Oil moisturises dry, rough and sun damaged skin. It’s non-irritating and non-allergenic.